September 9, 2021

Introduction of a collaborative robot in digital testing of the SAS module

In 2020 Guardiaris applied for the public tender of the Incentive for the Digital Transformation of SMEs, which was published in August 2020 by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund. The project is partly funded by the European Union, namely from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project started on April 1, 2020 and will end on September 30, 2021. The value of the project is 98,760.00 EUR and the amount of co-financing is 59,256.00 EUR.

The aim of the project is to introduce automation into key testing processes that are performed in Guardiaris.

Project activities are planned in the following steps:

1. Introduction of a collaborative robot in testing loop, which is a key element of automatic, digital testing of the SAS module.

2. Introduction of QR codes, which are a key element in the digitization of test processes and support processes, up to QR for shipping the product to the customer.

3. Connecting the existing ERP (VASCO) system with other processes in the company, especially testing and testing with a collaborative robot, where the connecting element is the QR code.

4. Upgrade of ERP (VASCO) with a module for generating QR codes. Digital process and data transfer, based on QR codes between different VASCO modules (especially serial numbers and work orders) and new extensions.


Projekt Uvedba avtomatizacije v procese testiranja za produkt SAS modul

Guardiaris se je v letu 2020 prijavil na javni razpis Spodbude za digitalno transformacijo MSP, ki ga je v mesecu avgustu 2020 objavil Slovenski podjetniški sklad. Projekt delno financira Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (ESRR). Projekt se je začel izvajati 1. 4. 2020 in se bo zaključil 30.9.2021. Vrednost projekta je 98.760,00 EUR, znesek sofinanciranja pa znaša 59.256,00 EUR.

Cilj projekta je uvedba avtomatizacije v vse procese testiranja, ki jih izvajamo v podjetju Guardiaris.

Projektne aktivnosti so načrtovane v naslednjih korakih:  

1. Uvedba kolaborativnega robota, ki je ključni element avtomatskega, digitalnega testiranja SAS modula.

2. Uvedba QR kod, ki so ključni element digitaliziranja testnih procesov in podpornih procesov, in sicer QR za razvoj sklopov sistema, QR za teste, QR za proizvodnjo, QR za odpremo produkta kupcu.

3. Povezovanje obstoječega ERP (VASCO) sistema z drugimi procesi v podjetju, predvsem testiranjem in testiranjem s kolaborativnim robotom, kjer so povezovalni element QR kode.

4. Nadgradnja ERP (VASCO) z modulom za generiranje QR kod. Digitalni proces in prenos podatkov, na podlagi QR kod med različnimi VASCO moduli (predvsem serijske številke in delovni nalogi) in novimi razširitvami.