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Indoor Mortar Crew Training

Indoor Mortar Crew Training
Entire firing cycle
Tripod-mounted system
Accurate projectile trajectory
Exact ammunition replicas

Indoor mortar crew training

IMOT is a highly realistic indoor mortar crew training of communication, handling procedures and tactics with focus on the entire firing cycle.

IMOT covers training of the entire firing cycle with the possibility of performing Artillery Forward Observer (AFOT) and Fire Direction Center (FDC) training simultaneously.


Exact mortar replicas

IMOT uses exact mortar replicas for highly realistic training in a limitless number of real-life situations. Proprietary GUARDTM simulation technology calculates accurate projectile trajectories. High simulation realism is achieved also via the adequate response of synthetic environments to the activities of mortar crews.

Ammunition replicas

Simulated mortar ammunition replicates real ammunition in size, balance, and weight. It properly replicates colour, fuse type, fuse setting procedure and the propellant ring setting procedure. Wireless communication with the Control Station gives the end-user a complete overview of the projectile type, fuse setting, number of propelling rings and ballistics.

Authentic training

Highly realistic mortar crew training in tactics, communication, and handling procedures. The IMOT covers training of the entire firing cycle with the possibility of performing Artillery Forward Observer (AFOT) and Fire Direction Center (FDC) training simultaneously. Realistic conditions for effective training of procedures and tactics.


Elevating the immersion and analytics to a new level.

Guard Rail

Guard Rail serves as a physical cover that functions coherently with synthetic environment. The mechanical cover enables realistic training and significantly elevates training experience.

VPS Smart Glasses

VPS smart glasses stream, record and measure eye movement so accurately, that the focus of the trainee can be determined without any misinterpretations.

MTC Expansion

Mobile Training Center, MTC presents the entire SAMT™ system integrated into expandable container that enables mobile training at any location.

MTC in foldable container

The unique foldable container offers simple and straightforward usage. With the use of a forklift, the container can be set up and ready for training in under an hour. The containers are robust, weather-resistant, and safe, even capable of ballistic resistance. After the training, the container can be folded to 30% of its original size, making storage and transportation extremely easy.

MTC on Wheels

A standalone solution features an expandable, high-quality container with pre-installed SAMT hardware that is attached to a trailer on a truck. The container can be easily expanded by pressing a button, making training preparations quick and effortless. Once the training is complete, the container can be folded back to its original size and transported to any desired location by truck.

Explore MMVT in 3D

Other trainers

This trainer can be integrated in live large-scale exercises, and can be combined with other Guardiaris products for diverse collective training.